[Update: Prime Minister Antti Rinne’s Government resigned on 10 December 2019. The new Government led by Prime Minister Sanna Marin has adopted the same programme ‘Inclusive and competent Finland – a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable society’ as its Government Programme.]
In December 2018, The Ex’tax Project, together with its partners GBE and IEEP, presented a Finnish case study, which included a potential scenario on aligning fiscal policy with the Circular Economy Roadmap in Finland.
June 6, 2019, the new government of Finland published the Programme of Prime Minister Antti Rinne’s Government: Inclusive and competent Finland – a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable society.
This program reflects most of the recommendations in the Ex’tax study, including:
- Introduction of a carbon price floor
- Removal of the diesel subsidies (transport sector), light fuel oil subsidy and peat tax subsidy
- Taxation of non-energy use of fossil fuels (mineral oils and other fossil material used in plastics and other chemical industry)
- Electricity tax increase for bulk users
- Removal of the subsidy for energy-intensive industries
- Air passengers and air freight taxes
- Incineration of waste tax
- Extraction tax of metal ores and non-metallic minerals,
And using the revenues to:
- Lower labour taxes
- Provide income support for the lowest two income quintiles
- Invest in research and development (R&D) and renewables.
The relevant parts have been marked in this overview: Finland Government Programme 2019 aligned with Ex’tax [pdf].